I have just added four gorgeous new crochet hooks to eBay today... and it seems like a week for Nature to take center stage!
One beauty is a dyed burl, another filled with the gorgeous grain lines of Olivewood. One of the two pictured has the most splendid grain lines you've ever seen! (One of the precious miracles of Bocote -- one of my favorite demonstrative woods.) I will go way out of my way to find lovely looking pieces that I can turn into crochet hooks and other fiber arts tools.
The most kinetic of the hooks that I posted today is one I created out of one of my special Dyed Hardwoods called "Arctic Light." The turned form came out to be absolutely stunning. I have to say that my favorite part is the lower bead -- perfect! Of course, I couldn't stop the decoration there, no sireee!
I hand-turned three captive Jingly Rings into the top of the hook. (Indeed, they are part of the original wooden piece, not "glued on"). They're so fun to spin around... just sit idly and twirl them with your fingers! They're marvelous!
Anyway, a fun collection of hooks today! Check them out!