Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shop Tour

Greeting everyone!
Yesterday I was so busy getting ready for my shop tour that I didn't get to post the crochet hooks I promised! (But they'll be up tonight on eBay, and some tomorrow as well!)

This morning, beginning at 11:00 I hosted a shop tour at my home. Even though the weather was a bit misty and cool about 11 people came from as far away as Denver, Estes Park, Fort Collins, and Nebraska! I showed off my lathes, (of course!), all five of them, including my two production minis and my new Stubby.

I began right away with my presentation on using a platform to grind and sharpen woodturning tools, talking about the various angles used on tools, and reasons for them, as well as powdered metal tools and the grinding wheels I use to sharpen them. I showed sharpening techniques for bowl, spindle, and detail gouges, scrapers, as well as how to add a negative rake to any scraper.

Of course, first up I was presented with a challenge! Our turning colleague from Nebraska brought me a old Rude Osolnik tool, which I can only describe as a skew with a flute. The bottom of the tool was square stock, like a skew, yet the top-side had a flute, requiring a curved cutting edge. It was something of a challenge to sharpen, requiring some freehand work, as well as the balance a grinder platform provided.

Everyone got a chance to sharpen tools if they desired, and I think we all had a great time! As an encore performance, by request, I demonstrated making a crochet hook from Canarywood with a right-hand twist! (Thank you Stuart Mortimer for your inspiration!)

By afternoon, the sun came out and warmed up the shop a bit; everyone was having such a lovely time that we went long past my estimated finish time of 1:00, ending at about ten 'til two.

Thank you everyone for coming!

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